Friday 21 May 2021

Reflection -21st May 2021

 This trimester I learnt a lot about bullying, AS91042

Game Maker - This class had its ups and downs. We did a lot of PE and maths in our three groups, A B and C. 

Whats in the News - In this class we played lots of games and i really enjoyed it. For our final assessment we had to pick a science based topic to present on. I chose Nicotine Addiction.

Making a Difference - For this class we worked on an 800 word NCEA Social Justice or Human Rights issue and investigate it for about three weeks. I spent my time looking into Homelessness in New Zealand and so far i've completed almost 700 words.

MasterChef - 

Year 9 - This class was a more chill class and I quite enjoyed it. We looked at bullying and the effects of it, the Anzac Day Parade, and