Friday 12 March 2021

Year 9 Reflection - Friday 12 March

Reflection - 

This week Jorja, Norah and I were late to every single class and had very bad attitudes towards the teachers. We have had to have multiple meetings with Mrs Sadler, the councillor and Mr Naden about issues with teachers and schoolwork. We have now realised how we've been acting towards everyone recently and even got called the mean girls by 2 of the teachers. From now on I will try to do exactly what teachers say and exactly what other students do so the teachers have nothing to tell us off for. I am really proud of my efforts in Basketball with Barbara.

Friday 5 March 2021

Year 9 Reflection - Friday 5th March

 This year in general i've had a pretty average year. I've made new friends, some pretty good achievements in my dance and school work. Jorja always makes me go to the caf and dairy with her because she's too scared she will somehow mess up, embarrass herself and hold up the lines.