Friday 11 June 2021

Water Footprint

 Honestly, this is fake. I don't use this much water and even if I did it would be none of your business. 

Friday 21 May 2021

Reflection -21st May 2021

 This trimester I learnt a lot about bullying, AS91042

Game Maker - This class had its ups and downs. We did a lot of PE and maths in our three groups, A B and C. 

Whats in the News - In this class we played lots of games and i really enjoyed it. For our final assessment we had to pick a science based topic to present on. I chose Nicotine Addiction.

Making a Difference - For this class we worked on an 800 word NCEA Social Justice or Human Rights issue and investigate it for about three weeks. I spent my time looking into Homelessness in New Zealand and so far i've completed almost 700 words.

MasterChef - 

Year 9 - This class was a more chill class and I quite enjoyed it. We looked at bullying and the effects of it, the Anzac Day Parade, and 

Friday 12 March 2021

Year 9 Reflection - Friday 12 March

Reflection - 

This week Jorja, Norah and I were late to every single class and had very bad attitudes towards the teachers. We have had to have multiple meetings with Mrs Sadler, the councillor and Mr Naden about issues with teachers and schoolwork. We have now realised how we've been acting towards everyone recently and even got called the mean girls by 2 of the teachers. From now on I will try to do exactly what teachers say and exactly what other students do so the teachers have nothing to tell us off for. I am really proud of my efforts in Basketball with Barbara.

Friday 5 March 2021

Year 9 Reflection - Friday 5th March

 This year in general i've had a pretty average year. I've made new friends, some pretty good achievements in my dance and school work. Jorja always makes me go to the caf and dairy with her because she's too scared she will somehow mess up, embarrass herself and hold up the lines. 

Friday 27 November 2020

PREP Reflection - 27 November

 Today we started off with doing a minor practice in Marcellin 1. In second block we went out to the field to practice but it got way too to hot so we came back to class. We printed off our posters and tickets to stick around the school.

Friday 20 November 2020

PREP - 20 November


Today we made our tickets and posters in first block. A teacher was meant to print them but we didn't get them back unfortunately. Block two we decided to practice and add on some more of the dance. We fell into some obstacles when the songs didn't fade properly so Jorja had to re-edit it. Third block we did our reflection and  practiced a bit more.  

Friday 13 November 2020

PREP - Reflection 13 Nov


Today we were a lot more successful than last week. I think we used our time pretty well this lesson although we probably should have added some more to the dance. My biggest achievement today was when I managed to complete most of my missed paper work. I think Sophia and Charlee's buisness selling scrunchies will be really successful because their personality seem like they'd advertise well and people would come to their stall because of that. I think we just need a good practice space.